Casting Policy
When we cast a show, we look more profound than the external image each performer shows us. We recognize that how a person auditions is not always an accurate representation of his or her talent level. Therefore, we attempt to learn a little about how each student is wired. We look more at the personality and raw talent in a person than we do at the perfectly prepared few minutes of audition material.
The best shows feature strong talent among every cast member. Every student, whether a lead or a chorus member, will receive the same hands-on, detailed instruction and learning opportunities.
Will you accept any role? We plan to cast as many performers as possible but anticipate a high turnout for auditions. Clearly, with such a large turnout, only a couple of people out of dozens will get the role they want. However, the ensemble/chorus roles are just as crucial to the show as the leads. This is especially true here at DACO, as we like to feature every performer as much as possible.
Please understand that it is challenging to cast a show, and it becomes even more complex if people drop out after casting. We must know upfront whether you are fully committed to doing this show and making it the spectacular success we know it can be. If you will only accept a particular role, we need to know that upfront. It is unfair to anybody if we give you a different (but still significant) role or chorus, and you decide to drop out.
DACO policy states that if an actor auditions for a show (agreeing to take any role, including chorus) and is cast, they must accept the role. If the actor chooses not to participate in the production following the announced cast list, they may NOT audition for another show for one year.
The actor will also NOT be considered for a lead role in the next production for which they audition. This action may also be considered in casting decisions and written/verbal references.
Not only is dropping a show unprofessional, but it is also disrespectful to the directors, cast members, and the craft of theatre itself.